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Geri Halliwell - "100% Pure Love" Spice Gems CD1

The second Spice Gems single! Includes a b-side and two remixes.

Archive Page

This "single" is exclusive to Spice Gems. Be sure to say thanks!

note: This is not a commercially released single. This was made by Azaria for Spice Gems. All tracks and artwork are for personal use only and may not be distributed elsewhere.


Azaria said...

Give me the lick that's making me high, you know up my "g" is alright.

Anonymous said...

curious to hear it! Thanx!

Xavier said...

Awesome! Thanks!

Anonymous said...


Jonas Raynsford said...

thanks man, should be good

Unknown said...

great to find this!

Unknown said...

great to find these mixes!

Anonymous said...

Thanx again & again!

Anonymous said...

Thanx again & again!

Anonymous said...

Awesome! Thanks!

Anonymous said...


pika said...

thanks, how do you feel about Geri re-version-ing this kind of gay anthems?

Anonymous said...


Nick said...


Anonymous said...

excuse me...what's the password??

Anonymous said...


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jaime said...

you are the best, thank you so much for sharing your files. It's hard to get a Spice Girls fix these days. . .I really appreciate it!!

Anonymous said...

a big thank you =)

Anonymous said...

Thank you for a rare gem from miss halliwell

Tom said...

Curious to hear!!!

theindigolemon said...

thanks for posting this! I was indeed able to find the password lol. :)