
  • I may be able to get some new stuff soon. Stay tuned!

Geri Halliwell - "100% Pure Love" Spice Gems CD2

The second Spice Gems single! It includes 3 remixes.

Archive Page

This "single" is exclusive to Spice Gems. Be sure to say thanks!

note: This is not a commercially released single. This was made by Azaria for Spice Gems. All tracks and artwork are for personal use only and may not be distributed elsewhere.


Azaria said...

This track was meant to be on the album when it was still a "disco" themed album.

Anonymous said...

great artwork for the "single" covers:) very creative

and as always, thanks for the download!:)

Anonymous said...

this is great! thanks XD

Anonymous said...

Great, thank you

Anonymous said...


pika said...

nice to see this "exclusive" cd single, great job

Fernando said...

Just discovered this site...thank you so much!

FallenIdentity said...

Thank you so much for these tracks!!!! =)

W said...


justin78 said...

thanks for sharing

Anonymous said...

I didn't know about a Geri 'Disco' album??? would have liked that!

You do great single covers for your exclusives, i'm always impressed.
Love this song.
BIG thanks as ever.


Anonymous said...

a big thank you =)

Tom said...

Thank you!