
  • I may be able to get some new stuff soon. Stay tuned!

Emma Bunton - "Take My Breath Away" UK DVD

The DVD single of Emma's third solo single. Includes four videos of Emma talking about her songs/videos, the music video, a b-side and a remix.

Archive Page

Just remember what simple words can do!

Watch the video here: click


Azaria said...

Even though she's outside, it still seems like she's holding "fake" flowers, but maybe I'm just imagining it.

Anonymous said...

Thanx! I'm looking forward for the whole update! :D Ingenious!

Anonymous said...

thanks you

Spice of Life said...

what a great video

Spice of Life said...

Great Video thx

Anonymous said...

Thank you so much!! I love it!

Anonymous said...

thank you!!!

Unknown said...

love it
thanks :)

Anonymous said...

Thanks, but the link doesn't work anymore. Can you please upload the Take my breath away DVD again?